Fall Registration Our registration process is easy! Simply download the Registration Form below, fill out the classes your signing up for, sign/initial, and return them to the studio office. At this time you should also include the non-refundable Registration fee of $30.00. REGISTRATION PACKET 2024-2025: CURRENTLY FULL - please check in about summer classes Please fill out the registration form and turn into to FootLites. You can call us (509) 697-9898 or email us at footlitesdanceselah@gmail.com. Our office hours vary. Summer Registration Summer Registration opens in the spring. Contact the studio for details on this year's program. Questions? If you have questions, or need class placement assistance for your child, please feel free to stop by the studio, call or email Mary Jill or Mandi at footlitesdanceselah@gmail.com or (509) 697-9898. Thank you for choosing FootLites Dance Studio for your dance education. We look forward to watching your dancer grow!